Do You Have Insects and Critters in Your Home?

Do you have unwanted varmints in your home? Learn about the chemicals and traps used to get rid of them. Click here for more information.

Pet Safe Mosquito Control Tips

2 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Mosquitoes can really ruin the summer enjoyment of your yard. Not only do their blood-sucking bites itch, they can also spread a variety of diseases, like Zika virus and West Nile virus. They aren't just a plague on you, they can also make your pets miserable if you have animals that use the yard. The following are some human and pet safe tips to help control the mosquitoes. Tip #1: Clean your gutters Read More …

Tips For Buying A Home In An Area Where Termites Are Common

21 December 2016
 Categories: , Articles

Termites are found, to some extent, throughout the United States. However, they are more common in some areas than in others. If you're thinking of buying a home in an area where termites are common, there are a few steps you'll want to take before you make an offer. Taking proper precautions, after all, can keep you from accidentally purchasing a home with extensive termite damage or an active infestation. Read More …

How To Recognize A Raccoon Problem And How To Get Rid Of Them From Your Yard

22 June 2016
 Categories: , Articles

When you awake each morning to evidence left in your yard from a hungry and destructive nocturnal visitor, you may have a raccoon problem. Raccoons are one of the smarter nighttime food-foraging animals that can be a nuisance in both rural and urban neighborhoods, as they will search out any food source you have in your yard. Here are some tips to help you recognize signs of a raccoon problem and how to get rid of them from your yard. Read More …

Dealing With An Infestation Of Deer Mice This Winter? How Can You Keep Your Family Safe?

29 December 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you've recently noticed the telltale signs of a mouse in your home -- droppings in your drawers or cabinets, chewed-up book corners, or a tail darting out of sight when you enter the room -- you may be wondering how to rid yourself of a potential infestation quickly. However, you may be reluctant to purchase commercial sprays or poisons if you have pets or young children in your home. Fortunately, there are a number of natural ways to help forcibly evict these unwanted visitors. Read More …

No Hitchhikers Allowed! How To Prevent Bed Bugs From Hitching A Ride Home With You

11 December 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you travel frequently, whether for leisure or business, you are at an increased risk of bringing home bed bugs. Bed bugs don't discriminate; they're just as likely to inhabit a five-star hotel in a fancy tourist area as they are a discount motel just off the highway. Worse, bed bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of. Since the best treatment for bed bugs is to prevent them in the first place, take a look at this list of things you can do to discourage these bloodthirsty little hitchhikers from becoming unwanted vacation souvenirs. Read More …

About Me
Do You Have Insects and Critters in Your Home?

Do you have unwanted varmints in your home? My name’s Jason Blaine. We used to have many unwanted, non-rent paying, living creatures in our home. In the spring and summer, it was mostly insects. Come fall when the weather began to cool off, the larger critters made their way to our attic. We would sit in the house and hear them scurrying around above us. Our cats were the only ones that seemed to like the alien invasions. They got to play with the insects and hunt the rodents. I didn’t find it to be the least bit pleasant. I finally called in a pest control service and am I glad I did! I’m going to share about our pest control maintenance service. I’ve learned a great deal about the chemicals and how they are now safe for humans. I hope to provide you with helpful information.