Do You Have Insects and Critters in Your Home?

Do you have unwanted varmints in your home? Learn about the chemicals and traps used to get rid of them. Click here for more information.

What Happens During a Pest Control Inspection?

28 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you've noticed pests in your house, you probably want to get to the root of the problem. Where are these pests coming from? When you call a pest control specialist, they will conduct a thorough investigation of your home. This usually starts with a pest control inspection. Here's what you can expect during a typical pest control inspection. You'll Talk About the Pests You've Seen First, the pest control specialist will ask you questions about the pests you've seen and where you've seen them. Read More …

Why Do You Have Rodents in Your Home?

13 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Rodents are a common house pest, but it doesn't mean you want them in your home. They usually come inside in the fall and winter months looking for warmth and food to help them survive throughout these colder months, but you could have them in your home year-round. These pests can be difficult to get rid of, especially if you don't make the right repairs to your home to prevent them from coming back into your home. Read More …

Pest Control: 3 Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make If You Want To Keep Pests Away

4 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Sharing your home with pests like bed bugs, mice, cockroaches, and other pests is the last thing you want to do. Of course, you think of how you could get rid of these pests whenever you see them in your house. However, eliminating pests yourself can sometimes be a tough job for you. In fact, you may spend a lot of time trying to eliminate them without any success. For this reason, you should consider what you could do to ensure that pests don't get into your home. Read More …

Rodent Control: 3 Things You Need To Know About Rodent Infestations

20 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Pests can really cause serious problems or wreak havoc in your home. However, it's good to know that pests like rodents could wreak more havoc in your home than other pests. Rodents like mice and rats are known to cause massive structural damage when not controlled in good time. They are also a health risk to you and those you live with. Don't forget that rodents could also bring fleas, causing more health problems. Read More …

How To Exterminate Fleas From Your Home And Yard

23 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Fleas can be a tricky pest. They are very small and jump quickly, which makes it difficult to kill them if you happen to find one on you or on your pet. If you have fleas, they may have come in from elsewhere, or they could be out lurking in your own backyard. This is what makes these pests tricky, you have to get rid of them in your home, but also in your yard if this is in fact where they have come in from. Read More …

About Me
Do You Have Insects and Critters in Your Home?

Do you have unwanted varmints in your home? My name’s Jason Blaine. We used to have many unwanted, non-rent paying, living creatures in our home. In the spring and summer, it was mostly insects. Come fall when the weather began to cool off, the larger critters made their way to our attic. We would sit in the house and hear them scurrying around above us. Our cats were the only ones that seemed to like the alien invasions. They got to play with the insects and hunt the rodents. I didn’t find it to be the least bit pleasant. I finally called in a pest control service and am I glad I did! I’m going to share about our pest control maintenance service. I’ve learned a great deal about the chemicals and how they are now safe for humans. I hope to provide you with helpful information.