Do You Have Insects and Critters in Your Home?

Do you have unwanted varmints in your home? Learn about the chemicals and traps used to get rid of them. Click here for more information.

How To Get Rid Of Ants

19 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Ants are one of the most common pests that can affect both the interior of your home and your garden. While a small amount of ants usually won't adversely affect your plants, a large number of ants in your garden or any that manage to take up residence within your home can become a problem. Thankfully, there are a number of things that you can do to reduce your ant population and to keep them out of your home in the future. Read More …

4 Signs You Have A Termite Infestation In Your Home’s Support Beams

22 June 2017
 Categories: , Articles

If you have an older home, the house's support beams accessible by your crawlspace may have been built with untreated wood. Because this bare, unprotected is susceptible to termite invasion, you may wonder how you can find out if the insects are already present. If so, look for the following four signs that strongly indicate that you have a termite infestation. Appearance of "Flying Ants" At the openings of your home's crawlspace, you may start seeing what many people describe as flying ants. Read More …

The Masked Bandit: Keep Raccoons Off Of Your Property

12 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

One of the most stealthy and persistent of pests is the raccoon. Scavengers by nature, they will often get into trash cans, pet food, or food storage. While not as harmful as some other pests, raccoons are still a nuisance and a health risk. They commonly carry rabies, and they can damage your property in their attempts to get food.  Some simple prevention measures can help you keep the masked bandit out of your garage, garden, pond, or other areas. Read More …

How To Keep Rodents Out During The Winter

29 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When the temperature dips below freezing, rodents will search for the nearest warm location to set up shop for the next few months. Your home represents prime real estate for mice and rats that are looking for a new nesting place while they wait for the snow to melt. Thankfully, there are a couple of things that you can do to make your home less attractive to these disease bearing pests. Read More …

Five Signs That Termites Have Invaded Your Home

13 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Approximately 600,000 houses in the United States are affected by termite damage each year. As these wood-eating insects are very adaptable, few areas of the country are immune. Termites live in colonies and can eat two to three percent of their body weight each day! Left unchecked, they can compromise the beams and foundation of your home, damage that can cost tens of thousands of dollars to repair. Fortunately, there are a few obvious signs of termites that can alert you to a growing problem and allow you to seek help from a pest control service before the damage becomes too extensive. Read More …

About Me
Do You Have Insects and Critters in Your Home?

Do you have unwanted varmints in your home? My name’s Jason Blaine. We used to have many unwanted, non-rent paying, living creatures in our home. In the spring and summer, it was mostly insects. Come fall when the weather began to cool off, the larger critters made their way to our attic. We would sit in the house and hear them scurrying around above us. Our cats were the only ones that seemed to like the alien invasions. They got to play with the insects and hunt the rodents. I didn’t find it to be the least bit pleasant. I finally called in a pest control service and am I glad I did! I’m going to share about our pest control maintenance service. I’ve learned a great deal about the chemicals and how they are now safe for humans. I hope to provide you with helpful information.